The Media Lynching – the Danish tabloid media was a self-constituted court together with Bagmandspolitiet set out to execute me  

Some Examples of Fabricated Stories and Lies During my Solitary Confinement

There exists a great amount of these deliberately planted “stories” from the Special Prosecution (Bagmandspolitiet), just to name a few, which can all be described as fabricated lies, innuendoes and false claims.

These headlines and stories are all very prejudicial and show “a trial by newspapers” dating from the period when I was in total isolation in solitary confinement and without any possibility to comment on these lies.

Seeing such lies in solitary confinement only added to my mental pain and frustration and therefore confirmed my view of the unlawful activity of Bagmandspolitiet and the authorities’ concerted action against me and my companies.

When my defence attorney and I finally got permission to publish a press release or comment on these lies, the damage had been done – everyone had seen the headlines and read the stories, I was guilty. As my first defence lawyer Jørgen Jacobsen, told me: “Not all the “stories” in the tabloid press can get you back out of the public mind. A picture has been painted of you and your companies – you have been judged

A most effective way to criminalise someone and to get the media and journalists committed against me. The individual journalist could hardly later, change his opinion and take a different stand

The lies of my connection with a Mafioso intending to set me free etc. (July 5, 6, 7 and 8, 1980) “Mafia gangster arrested in connection with Hauschildt

Despite that when my wife and I were in the presence of three persons from the Special Prosecution, I told Bagmandspolitiet whilst having a short meeting with them, about this planned attempt to get me free.

As previously mentioned, none of the three members of the Special Prosecution understood English (although they had been assigned to listen to my conversation with my wife). Very typical, nearly all members of the Bagmandspolitiet, lacked education and had been recruted from the normal ranks of the police force.

My wife told me that some criminal people had contacted her; these people had told her that they would get me out of prison. Hearing this, I immediately told the Special Prosecution members about this as it was obviously some scam.

Nevertheless, Bagmandspolitiet immediately told the press and as a result, I still had more than an egg in my face and was again exposed to extensive press coverage and public criticisms associating me with known criminals. As to the fact, that it was me informing Bagmandspolitiet, only a little note appeared about this and the public was left thinking, as always, that I had connections with criminal elements and therefore a criminal – all long before my trial. The lies by Bagmandspolitiet as to Black Market Trading in Gold Bars  “Sortbørs-handel med falske barrer

This lie directly quoted Bagmandspolitiet saying that they believed that I had been dealing in fake silver and gold bars amounting to millions on the black market, aside from selling real precious metal bars.

An absolute lie. Bagmandspolitiet believed that all of the clients would keep their mouths closed as they feared to go to the authorities, knowing well that they had purchased these bars with black money.


Bagmandspolitiet even informed the newspapers that they had sent all the precious metal bars found from the raid of SCE to the “Teknologisk Institut” to be examined and analysed as they believed some would be fake. BT, one of the tabloid Danish newspapers, even went so far as to contact a manufacturer in Paris, who claimed that SCE was his biggest client. Moreover, they found some Danish criminal in Paris who claimed that I had contacted him, naturally also a lie.

All of these lies were swallowed by the public and again criminalised my person, all of this at a time of solitary confinement, where I could do nothing. No fake bars were ever found and no black market ever existed involving me or the companies.

Nevertheless, the next day all of the headlines proclaimed my involvement with these criminals.

One could ask why Bagmandspolitiet contacted the tabloid press with this story? 


The lies about bad cheques issued by the companies  (February 5, 6 and 7, 1980)


Bagmandspolitiet conveyed the information to the press that the companies had no money and that several “bad” cheques had been issued by the companies prior to the closing and my arrest.

No bad cheques had ever been issued by the companies and this was a lie. According to the auditor’s report, the companies in Denmark had liquid assets in the banks amounting to D.Kr. 1.8 million on January 31st.

In addition to this amount Bagmandspolitiet (Special Prosecution), had seized almost D.Kr. 400,000 in cheques issued to the companies and paid in the days before my arrest and the closing of the companies.

The cheques had not been taken to the bank and the Special Prosecution cancelled (annulled) these cheques by telephoning the respective client who had paid in these cheques to the companies.

These telephone calls took place while the accused was sitting at the office of Bagmandspolitiet, solely accused of personal tax evasion. Hence the countermanding of these cheques was illegal.

When the cheques had been refused by the banks, this was exclusively attributed to the fact that the Special Prosecution had seized all bank accounts in order to impede payments.

The Special Prosecution knew from their telephone monitoring that, the day I was arrested, SCE planned to issue margin calls for up to 10 million Kroner; such payment had to be paid within a few days thereafter by the client.

These headlines about bad cheques influenced the public views but to make matters worse, it influenced the Commercial Court. Bagmandspolitiet informed the Maritime and Commercial Court (Sø- og Handelsretten) that there was absolutely no money in the companies, as cheques were returned (without telling them the above-mentioned facts).

Hence the commercial court refused to believe my statement which was, of course, the truth, that the companies had close to two million in cash as stated by the auditor’s report later on and had absolutely no liquidity problem prior to the closing by Bagmandspolitiet.

Just as an example as to the company’s liquidity five months before Bagmandspolitiet closed the companies, I found a bank statement from 10 days in September 1979 showing that near 15 million had been paid in showing substantial liquidity. (Den Danske Bank – September 1979)

Without any documents and a legal advisor in the Maritime and Commercial court, everything I said to the judge was ridiculed by the Bagmandspolitiet and it was on such basis that the companies and I were declared bankrupt. The Special Prosecution auditors (at a cost of more than 4 million Kroner), later confirmed that everything I had said at the time – as to my solvency – was correct, but then everything was too late and the damage was done. 

Media Lynching by Tabloid Editorial

The lies about a planned hostage coup

Planned hostage-taking at the Vestre Fængsel – “Set me free by force” (April 4, 5 and 6, 1980, published in many newspapers)

This fantastic story is exclusively based on a message smuggled out to my wife (given during a court hearing), in a desperate attempt to counter the injustices as I witnessed it. I was innocent and considered all the actions by Bagmandspolitiet as illegal.

The message reads “get me out of here”; this was however crossed out by me before giving it on to my wife. Moreover, I told Bagmandspolitiet about this note later.

In other words, all other lies and monstrosities like masked hold-ups of prison staff etc. had nothing to do with me and were just a fabricated story based entirely on a crossed out sentence “get me out of here”. It was normal for the tabloid that “A Feather became a Bird”

This note could be anticipated by Bagmandspolitiet and in fact, they “allowed” me to pass this on. Anyone in my situation would write such note asking their wife to help after months in solitary confinement. Even the management of the Vestre Fængsel (Vestre Prison), contacted me in my isolation cell as they anticipated the headline stories that were going to be written by the press at the time because the newspapers had already contacted them. Incidentally, I was not even at the prison of Vridsløselille at the time which most articles told their readers, but at Vestre Prison in solitary confinement.

The Prejudicial Trial by the Media

The free press has a great responsibility to its readers as the most important mechanisms for ensuring that the government respects the rights of its citizens. Most of the Danish media failed badly in ensuring my rights to be treated fairly and according to the basic human rights – that you are innocent until proven guilty.

When it was obvious that the solitary confinement combined with the events which took place had badly affected me, instead of being responsible and pointing out why I behaved as I did, the media attacked me with sensational headlines which crucified me to its readers and the Danish public. The lies about a billion fraud with silver which did not exist

“Billion fraud with silver that does not exist”

Milliard svindel med sølv der ikke eksisterer

This article was entirely fabricated by Bagmandspolitiet the day after my arrest for alleged tax evasion. The article claimed that a billion Danish Kroners worth of fraud had taken place.

We did not have any commitment to buy this silver according to the contract the companies had with the clients in the first place. This fact was confirmed later by two respected Swedish law professors (see White had to be Black). Moreover, by the companies lawyers when these contracts were made. The eminent professor of Law Per Edwin Wallen’s conclusion stopped the Swedish prosecution to proceed.

Secondly, when the Danish prosecution, after more than fourteen months, charged me with this ridiculous charge, the amount was for 34.5 million kroner not 1000 million kroner.

I told Bagmandspolitiet, in the first days, where to find the various balances of the companies and it was totally clear from all the documentation which had been seized that it did not concern a billion (milliard) Danish kroner or anything close to this amount; such was entirely sensationalism for the Danish public.

The lies about fake gold bars

The silver king behind the large-scale import of false gold bars etc. (July 1, 2, 3 and 7, 1980)

These false accusations were exclusively based on the intentions of the Bagmandspolitiet (Special Prosecution), and the fiscal (tax) authorities to find out who were the clients of SCE, who they had been looking for but did not find the names of when they raided the offices of the companies.

They were looking for black money. Therefore, Bagmandspolitiet came up with a classic idea to involve an already convicted conman – who they could lean on and get to tell the press anything about, just for him to get publicity; I later had that confirmed by him. In making the clients, who had purchased “over the counter” with cash (and therefore unknown to the tax people), nervous and worried about their precious metal (gold, silver or platinum bars), they believed that these people would come forward.

Such clients would indeed be worried if these bars were fake; nevertheless, not many of SCE’s true clients believe these stories about fake bars, but the public at large did. This last fact criminalized me.

The many clients who, through the years, purchased precious metal and gold coins over the counter did not provide their names to our staff since we had no legal basis to request their name. They purchased “goods” over the counter and paid a high sales tax to Denmark. Our staff had detailed instruction “not to see or remember” these people since we had no legal obligation to do so.

Neither the companies nor I ever did buy or order any gold bars from any sellers in Paris, according to my defence lawyer at the time (Jorgen Jacobsen), this outrageous claim was created by Bagmandspolitiet to “criminalise me” in the public’s eye and get the public sympathy against me.

The Special Prosecution knew that all of this was a lie and this conveniently gave several of their members an excuse for a few trips to Paris.

With regards to SCE’s clients, some of whom had purchased silver, platinum and palladium bars over the counter; it did make them nervous and create anxiety about their precious metal bars with regards to if they were real or not.

Never mind that Bagmandspolitiet’s lies could cause a direct loss to the customer since a State Control examination would impair the bars by 10-15% of their value.

Naturally, no false bars were ever sold nor found; nevertheless, it made many investors nervous and again framed me as some sort of fraudster in the media with a criminal connection.


The lies that SCE drove a senior banker to defraud his bank

“Silver adventure drove bank official to defraud of millions” This case was reported over a period of time with many headline articles connecting me and SCE with a banker’s crime.

These were all lies and made up stories with regards to me and the companies involvement.

My company and I were blamed for his fraud or indirectly always mentioned in these articles, although I was not directly acquainted with the person in question. It is true that he was a client of the companies and had been for several years. I had even spoken to him on the telephone once.

Bagmandspolitiet even told the newspapers (and was quoted), that they believed that I knew that he had stolen the money to buy his silver and platinum bars and because I knew I may have sold him fake bars – all lies.

The senior banker had apparently started his embezzlement before SCE even opened in Denmark. I did not know him as a client of the companies, despite that he had regularly purchased gold coins, silver and platinum bars for several years. Naturally, his embezzlement had no connection to any kind of pressure on the part of SCE or me; I later spoke to him in prison and he confirmed this to me in person. 

It is true to say that this criminal would never have been found out without Bagmandspolitiet’s raid on SCE and my arrest. His computer fraud, through many years, was very sophisticated and even the banks’ accountants and auditors had, through the years, not found anything wrong. 

Where the headlines reported that this popular TV-journalist had lost a million, the real truth, she had invested DKr.100,000 and borrowed on margin. The tabloid newspaper tells it, readers, that she was on the brink of bankruptcy. Very prejudicial, interestingly, she would have benefitted greatly if Bagmandspolitiet had not closed the companies because she made purchases of platinum and silver ingots in June and July 1979.  


Editorial Coverage and Prejudice

The fact that the media slowly became committed after writing so many lies and innuendoes – all attacking me, played a major part in creating a public trial by newspapers. The editorial lines of many leading newspapers were to throw as much dirt as possible on my person, on my clients and my companies.

Worse off, the media took an active part in pointing out that I was guilty and deserved a long prison sentence.

In many countries, such editorial lines would have stopped my case, as this was pre-judicial and would not allow me to get a fair trial. Denmark is a small country and this popular media coverage had devastating effects on everything and ultimately gave me an unfair trial. 

Media Lynching – the tabloid media was a self-constituted court together with Bagmandspolitiet set out to executed me  

At a time when I suffered badly with strong migraines, lack of sleep, severe stress symptoms, severe anxiety, recurring nightmares, flashbacks, extreme agitation and irritability with severe depression; the media just ridiculed me, making amusement of my suffering and totally ignoring my real conditions.

My defence lawyers appealed to the media many times and pointed out that Bagmandspolitiet tortured me and asked the courts to allow me consultation and treatment from outside medical help.

Through all of the more than four years, the courts and the prosecution did not want me to get “outside” help; they simply did not want me to expose what had happened to me and my “mental scars” of the invisible torture. Mental scars really made me unfit to stand trial. No psychological or psychiatric examination was carried out on me through all those years.

The Lies by Bagmandspolitiet as to Hidden Money Abroad

The many headlines and lies were regular fodder to the media in order to allow the Bagmandspolitiet (Special Prosecution), to travel all over the place. The headlines with regards to hidden money regularly featured in the press during my solitary confinement.

The simple truth, when on the first day Bagmandspolitiet seized all the documentation and files from my offices, they knew about every penny I had abroad including details of all bank accounts. I kept all the details in my files in Denmark as I had nothing to hide. All statement was sent to me in Denmark. At the time of my arrest, I had US$ 1,85 million on overnight rates in London (see confirmation Time Deposit London September 1980).

All of the lies about hidden money from Brazil to the USA were created entirely for the media to justify all the costs and travel by members of the prosecution.

As to Judge Claus Larsen in the City Court, he had to be asked each time by Bagmandspolitiet with regards to allowing the taxpayers’ money to be used for “another” travelling trip – always after Bagmandspolitiet had already argued their case in the tabloid press telling them that I had hidden money abroad. Practically all of my liquid assets were in London, not in Switzerland or any offshore place; moreover, I had offered to bring this money to Denmark immediately after my arrest.

When Bagmandspolitiet could not justify any more travel, they just asked a professional conman to go to the media and tell some stories about Brazil or the USA, painting a criminal picture of me. Headlines saying that I had hidden millions in Brazil and had been importing false gold bars to Denmark – were all lies.

The fact that the media slowly became committed after writing so many lies and innuendoes – all attacking me, played a major part in creating a public trial by newspapers.

The editorial lines of many leading newspapers were to throw as much dirt as possible on my person, on my clients and my companies. Worse still, the media took an active part in pointing out that I was guilty and deserved a long prison sentence.

In many countries, such editorial lines would have stopped my case, as this was pre-judicial and not allowing me to get a fair trial. Denmark is a small country and this popular media coverage had devastating effects on everything and my right to a fair trial.

The tabloid press becomes committed and ultimately concerted against me, together with the Danish authorities, giving me an unfair trial. In the days after my arrest, I offered to bring all of my liquid assets to Denmark (D.Kr. 14-16 million), but Bagmandspolitiet did not want this since they could not justify their actions and the closing down of the companies. Moreover, they knew where all my assets were from the first day when the seized all our files and accounts. 

Nevertheless, the newspapers later attacked me as making millions every year despite that I was locked up in pre-trial detention. Because I was making millions on interest and had millions abroad, I deserved to stay locked up and the public should not have any pity on me!  

“For the 55th time! No, you will not be allowed to get out Hauschildt”

Despite that I had been offered an opportunity to be released many months earlier if I did not go ahead with a re-trial and that I had served the seven years sentence by the lower court prior to the High Court trial, the newspapers could write such headlines and argue that I should remain incarcerated.

The fact that I was kept incarcerated in pre-trial detention during the High Court trial was subjected to extensive speculation in the Danish media with regards to a possible additional sentence. This example of headlines on the right: “For the 55th time! No, you will not be allowed to get out Hauschildt”, shows how the press continued to write as to conjecture and speculate based entirely on the fact that I still was kept in pre-trial detention.

The press concluded that because the judges in the High Court did not allow me freedom and still kept me in pre-trial confinement, they had already, on the first days of the trial, considered that I was guilty and that I would receive a sentence in excess of seven years. This is at a time where my defence argued that I was innocent of all charges.


No reader was ever told that I would have been free and out of my pre-trial detention if I had not appealed the verdict from City Court – a trial which later was judged to be unfair and contravened the European Convention of Human Rights. They kept me a hostage to justice. 

Thee newspaper coverage of the event, on Friday, Saturday and Sunday following my arrest were huge and most pre-judicial. The radio and television coverage was also huge and pre-judicial.

Denmark is a small place and such a great amount of press coverage, both in the national and local press did considerable and irrevocable harm to the case and my rights to a fair trial and hearing.

Bagmandspolitiet had unscrupulously used the most important weapon to smear, discredit and disgrace my person – the media. Thereafter, there was no way back, moreover, the public would never “take back” what they had witnessed on the television and newspapers.

The Danish media did create a trial by the media; a most pre-judicial environment for a fair trial. I am blameless by the prosecutions intrigues to create embarrassment and disarray among the clients of the companies. The media missed the underlying story and truth.

Denmark gave considerable freedom to the press and in 1980 had very liberal laws of libel and of contempt of court. These very liberal press laws were deliberately used by the Danish authorities as a tool and thus used to conduct a trial by newspapers, with the most malicious lies about me and the case.

The television and radio broadcasting programmes (by the state-owned TV and Radio), and the thousands of newspaper articles prior to the sentencing at the Lower Court, effectively convicted me together with the fact that I had remained incarcerated for so long that the public thought “I must have committed something, otherwise, why have I been incarcerated for years?”. No smoke without fire.

The media was one of the most important factors in the “success” of the initial action taken against me and my companies e.g. the raid, seizure and arrest by the Special Prosecution. Unless it was possible to get the press involved in such a way that customers would be anguished and anxious as to their investments and purchases, it would not have been possible to justify keeping me incarcerated or to justify the “heavy” action taken with the companies’ closure.

The Danish journalists made no inquiry to determine how such concealment and cover-up could happen and how frequently the stupidity or venality of the police and prosecution is counterproductive to the country’s interest.

It is very clear that the considerably large amount of press coverage during the period when I was in solitary confinement was not only large in quantity but exceptionally striking in the content. In seeing these headlines (just a few of hundreds), one must remember that I was confined in solitary confinement and prevented from commenting to the media about many of these numerous lies and allegations.

Furthermore, the courts restricted the defence as well as what the defence could say and comment to all the media coverage; whereas the authorities allowed open interviews with officials from the Special Prosecution who regularly showed various documentation including my notes and letters were written during my long solitary confinement, suffering from despair and depression.

All of these points collectively add up to a “trial by newspaper” with real and substantial prejudice. No counterbalances as to my interests were evident.

Even after my long pre-trial incarceration, the Danish media had no interest in pursuing the truth when the Dutch, German, French and Belgian television stations were at the court hearings at the European Court of Human Rights in September 1988. The Danish media and Danish State Television were not there.

Despite that this was a historic occasion with regards to Denmark being in front of the full panel of judges, the Danish media did not attend. So many of these stories were planted by the Special Prosecution (Bagmandspolitiet), to criminalise me and the activities of the companies; therefore justifying the closing of SCE and my solitary confinement.

Furthermore, to promote Bagmandspolitiet and their work; even going so far as to justify that the members of Bagmandspolitiet could regularly go to Paris and other places.

When Bagmandspolitiet raided my companies offices, they found details as to all the assets held by the various companies in the USA, United Kingdom, Holland, Sweden, Switzerland and Denmark; everything was there for them to see.

Nevertheless, during the period where I was in solitary confinement, the Danish public could read regularly in the press that Bagmandspolitiet “had found money in the USA, in Holland and Switzerland”. All of this looked good, considering the huge cost of the so-called investigations, but it was all deceit for the Danish public and the companies’ clients.

Unscrupulous Use of Newspapers

It is very clear that the considerably large amount of press coverage during the period when I was in solitary confinement was not only large in quantity but exceptionally striking in the content.

In seeing these headlines, one must remember that I was confined in solitary confinement and prevented from commenting to the media about many of these numerous lies and allegations, moreover not even charged.

Furthermore, the courts restricted the defence and what the defence could say and comment to all the media coverage; whereas the authorities allowed open interviews with officials from the Bagmandspolitiet. All of these points add up collectively to a “trial by newspaper” with real and substantial prejudice.

No counterbalances as to my interests were evident. So many of these stories were planted by the Special Prosecution (Bagmandspolitiet) to criminalise me and the activities of the companies, therefore, justifying the closing of SCE as well as my solitary confinement and pre-trial punishment. Furthermore, is was done to promote Bagmandspolitiet and their work, even going so far as to justify that various members of Bagmandspolitiet could regularly go abroad.

When Bagmandspolitiet raided my companies’ offices, they found details with regards to all the assets held by the various companies in the USA, United Kingdom, Holland, Sweden, Switzerland and Denmark; everything was there for them to see.

Nevertheless, during the period where I was in solitary confinement, the Danish public could read regularly in the press that Bagmandspolitiet “had found money in the USA, in Holland and Switzerland“. All of this looked good, considering the huge cost of the so-called investigations and all their travels abroad, but it was all deceit for the Danish public and the companies’ clients In the years later, it was somewhat difficult for the tabloid press to change sides after publishing all of these lies and allegations.

Making matters worse, this gutter press had to go on and take an editorial stand.

BT and Ekstra Bladet took an active part in their regular editorials about me, my companies, clients and the case. These views committed these two tabloids and stand further influenced the other newspapers and practically all became biased against me and my companies and stamped me as a criminal, months and years before my trial was finished. If they had no stories to write about they selected any criminal to comment or tell some lies.

Even when I became a free person and the authorities had justified my one thousand four hundred and ninety-two days of incarceration, the newspapers continued to hunt me and continued referring to the lies they wrote years before.

If you repeat something, again and again, some dirt will stick and hopefully, people will start to believe it. Only the politically independent newspaper, Information, took a different line and searched more for the facts and truth.

Editorial Coverage and Prejudice

The fact that the media slowly became committed after writing so many lies and innuendoes – all attacking me, played a major part in creating a public trial by newspapers.

The editorial lines of many leading newspapers were to throw as much dirt as possible on my person, on my clients and my companies. Worse off, the media took an active part in pointing out that I was guilty and deserved a long prison sentence. In many countries, such editorial lines would have stopped my case, as this was pre-judicial and would not allow me to get a fair trial. Denmark is a small country and this popular media coverage had devastating effects on everything and ultimately gave me an unfair trial.

At a time when I suffered badly with strong migraines, lack of sleep, severe stress symptoms, severe anxiety, recurring nightmares, flashbacks, extreme agitation and irritability with severe depression; the media just ridiculed me, making amusement of my suffering and totally ignoring my real conditions. My defence lawyers appealed to the media many times and pointed out that Bagmandspolitiet tortured me and asked the courts to allow me consultation and treatment from outside medical help.

Through all of the more than four years, the courts and the prosecution did not want me to get “outside” help; they simply did not want me to expose what had happened to me and my “mental scars” of the invisible torture. Mental scars really made me unfit to stand trial. No psychological or psychiatric examination was carried out on me through all those years.

Denmark is a small place and such a great amount of press coverage both in the national and local press did considerable and irrevocable harm to the case and my rights to a fair trial and hearing.

Bagmandspolitiet had unscrupulously used the most important weapon to smear, discredit and disgrace my person – the media. Thereafter, there was no way back, moreover, the public would never “take back” what they had witnessed on the television and in newspapers.

The Danish media did create a trial by the media, a most pre-judicial environment for a fair trial. I am blameless by the prosecutions intrigues to create embarrassment and disarray among the clients of the companies. The media missed the underlying story and truth.

During my hunger strike in solitary confinement, more than 8 months before I was charged with anything (apart of the alleged tax evasion), an editorial headed “Easy Money” in the Danish tabloid Ekstra Bladet said:

Behind the prison bars sits the fantasy full director Hauschildt. It is difficult to take his martyrdom serious. But there is a positive outcome of his fraud he has cured some of the speculators who thought that they could score easy money with the silver roulette.” 


From the first day of the raid on Scandinavian Capital Exchange, the police and prosecution (Bagmandspolitiet) knew where all the assets were, as I had all statements sent to me in Denmark, as I had nothing to hide. When the media reported of hidden money, it was all lies, mostly to justify the huge cost of the investigation with the travels all over the world. I had more than USDollar 2.5 million in London, not hidden anywhere

The Lies by Bagmandspolitiet as to Hidden Money Abroad – They knew this was a lie

The many headlines and lies were regular fodder to the media in order to allow the Bagmandspolitiet (Special Prosecution), to travel all over the place. The headlines with regards to hidden money regularly featured in the press during my solitary confinement.

The simple truth, when on the first day Bagmandspolitiet seized all the documentation and files from my offices, they knew about every penny I had abroad including details of all bank accounts. I kept all the details in my files in Denmark as I had nothing to hide.

All of the lies about hidden money from Brazil to the USA were created entirely for the media to justify all the costs and travel by members of the prosecution.

As to Judge Claus Larsen in the City Court, he had to be asked each time by Bagmandspolitiet with regards to allowing the taxpayers’ money to be used for “another” travelling trip – always after Bagmandspolitiet had already argued their case in the tabloid press telling them that I had hidden money abroad.

Practically all of my liquid assets were in London, not in Switzerland or any offshore place; moreover, I had offered to bring this money to Denmark immediately after my arrest.

When Bagmandspolitiet could not justify any more travel, they just asked a professional conman to go to the media and tell some stories about Brazil or the USA, painting a criminal picture of me. Headlines saying that I had hidden millions in Brazil and had been importing false gold bars to Denmark – were all lies.

The fact that the media slowly became committed after writing so many lies and innuendoes – all attacking me, played a major part in creating a public trial by newspapers. The editorial lines of many leading newspapers were to throw as much dirt as possible on my person, on my clients and my companies.

Worse still, the media took an active part in pointing out that I was guilty and deserved a long prison sentence. In many countries, such editorial lines would have stopped my case, as this was pre-judicial and not allowing me to get a fair trial. Denmark is a small country and this popular media coverage had devastating effects on everything and my right to a fair trial.

The tabloid press becomes committed and ultimately concerted against me, together with the Danish authorities, giving me an unfair trial.

Shortly after my arrest, I offered to bring all of my liquid assets to Denmark, but Bagmandspolitiet did not want this. Nevertheless, the newspapers later attacked me as making millions every year despite that I was locked up in pre-trial detention. Because I was making millions on interest and had millions abroad, I deserved to stay locked up and the public should not have any pity on me!

Denmark Is A Small Country

Denmark is a small community and is not the place for anyone who has something great to give. Denmark and the Danes will never allow real greatness in people; the Danish “Jantelov” apply.

There have been a few exceptions to this from the 19th and early 20th centuries. The real greatness is in companies like Microsoft, Apple, Oracle and Google and would be difficult to make in Denmark; they would kill them off somehow before they even got close to becoming something that they represent today. Some authority would have complained to Bagmandspolitiet or the gutter press “rendestenpressen” would publish some scandalous claims as to the persons behind the companies and their lives.

As to the media, there seems to be a bias in most news reporting; it is daily that we see reporters lie by inference and omission without any accountability. I have seen well-intentioned news publications fly into a state of high dudgeon and defend their reporter’s dubious behaviour on the premise of newsroom morale and press independence. Media publishers do have power without responsibility.

The Danish media failed in its responsibility; journalists made no objective inquiry to determine the real background of the events which took place on the 31st January 1980, moreover the damages which had been caused that first day with the closing of the companies. A few serious journalists, such as Leif Blædel and Rolf Bagger, later became aware of what was taking place, but then it was too late and the damage had been done.

The media really missed the underlying story and truth – the justice system reflected a political view where “profits” and “speculations” had become ugly words. The justice system had failed to furnish the mechanisms for preventing incompetent people from finding their way into the process, accumulating important responsibilities and surviving in spite of the glaring injustices that they perpetrate. Something the media in Russia or DDR could do nothing about, whereas in Denmark it had such possibility, but moreover the obligation to do something about.

We know today how Stasi worked in DDR, just spying on ordinary citizens' movements, making files on everyone and everything.

Bagmandspolitiet had in my case more than five years, during which they could act as an agent provocateur, intercept telephone calls, communication and spy on me, our staff and the companies; “leak” disinformation, lies and rumours.

Criminal Commissioner Mogens Kanding from Bagmandspolitiet (Special Prosecution) told Jyllands-Posten, Friday the 1st February 1980 :

“We have been investigating the company since it started (1974) just to see what is happening. Approximately three weeks ago our investigation became more intensive on our own initiative. We have not received any complaints“.

Mogens Kanding, criminal commissioner from Bagmandspolitiet tells Børsen (the main financial newspaper) on the day after my arrest:

“Through channels which we control we have found out that possible serious tax evasion has taken place, according to the criminal code paragraph 289 tells Mogens Kanding Børsen”.

“We will go through all the material and especially concentrate on the companies order confirmations and dealings with its clients since we wish to double control on these client’s tax returns. At the same time we want to concentrate to see if there has been any wrongdoing by the company, as an example if we suspect any fraud against the clients, we will contact these clients and ask for their version.”

Bagmandspolitiet has been investigating the company for more than five years just to see what? Just like Stasi or KGB. As Stalin said, “Show me a person and I will always find a reason against him” (to kill him or send him to the Gulag).

No complaint had been made to the police and the Special Prosecution (Bagmandspolitiet). The Special Prosecution decided themselves to take the action.

Further, that black money was invested in precious metals and the profits were tax free outside the reach of the fiscal authorities. This could NOT BE TOLERATED, despite that the current law allowed this at the time.

My British barristers Geoffrey Robertson QC and Kier Starmer were shocked to find out the powers of the Special Prosecution (Bagmandspolitiet) and that they themselves could select their target, act as agent provocateurs, intercept communication and create disinformation and lies. They compared rightly Bagmandspolitiet, in the European Court of Human Rights, to Stasi and KGB.

I was a victim of the Danish state: it was the state that took me hostage, traumatised me; and despite the judgment from the European Court of Human Rights, Denmark never recognised that in any shape or form.

At the outset of the trial in the lower court (Copenhagen City Court) my defence attorney Folmer Reindel said to a leading newspaper, Berlingske Tidende:

"With the collaboration between the judge (Claus Larsen), the prosecution and the prison service, which consequence seriously affects and prevent the defence - I fear a miscarriage of justice"

It was obvious to everyone except the tabloid media.
"Med det samarbejde, der I sagen foregår mellem dommeren, fængselsvæsenet og anklagemyndigheden, og hvis konsekvens er en væsentlig hindring af forsvarets mulighed, frygter jeg et justitsmord"

I was a victim of the Danish State; it was the state that took me, hostage, in pre-trial detention for more than 4 years. Kept me for more than 300 days in solitary confinement and traumatised me for life.
Denmark has never recognised that in any shape or form.

Police Commissioner Mogens Kanding (from Bagmandspolitiet) told the main newspaper Politiken, on the day of my arrest for alleged tax evasion. (31st January 1980) –  ALL  LIES

"A major part of the profit from the Danish company, which had a turnover of half a billion Kroner, apparently has been transferred to post-box companies in Switzerland" 

Next day Police Commissioner Mogens Kanding (from Bagmandspolitiet) told the newspaper Politiken:

“That a major part of the profit from the Danish company, which had a turnover of half a billion Kroner (500 million) apparently has been transferred to post-box companies in Switzerland. After the carrying out of the search, we have been able to confirm that large amounts have been sent to companies in Switzerland and there is often only a lawyer’s office there where the money is then hidden from the police”

After the police, tax authorities and the customs and excise office’s investigation, it does look like the company in Denmark have earned large amounts on the Swiss addresses.

                                                       All Lies!!!


Special Prosecutor Finn Meilby, the Chief of Bagmandspolitiet (Special Prosecution) told the largest tabloid newspaper BT on the 31st January 1980:

"It is our impression that the money has been taken out of the country"

"That the arrest of Mogens Hauschildt only concerns the alleged tax evasions"

I was never charged with tax evasion since this was a trumped-up charge - there truly was no tax evasion by me or the companies.

“Hauschildt you have been selected – and judged. You were selected because you are a “foreign Dane” with no political affiliation or power, you work in a business which daily deals with Swiss banks, New York and London – movement of money and in a financial market most people in Denmark do not know and can’t participate in, you controlled your business and do not employ many people, not like a factory owner.”-

                                 Advocate Jørgen Jacobsen (1980)

No one has been held accountable for the injustices in my case, my treatment, the solitary confinement, the unjust treatment of my family, the staff and many of Scandinavian Capital Exchange’s clients.

My customers' faith was sealed when at a cabinet meeting in the late autumn of 1979 at Christiansborg; Prime Minister Anker Jørgensen was confronted with a report showing all the failures of the Special Prosecution for Economic Crimes (Bagmandspolitiet), a creation by the Socialist.

The Danish High Court Judge Holger Kallehague said to Politiken newspaper (12th September 1982) that:

Hauschildt was subjected to the same treatment and "justice" as the suspected and alleged witches five hundred years earlier. They would bind the poor woman, put her into a sack and fill the sack with stones after which they throw her into the water.
If she drowned, she could not have been a witch; and was innocent, however, if she got free and came to the surface, she must have been a witch and therefore, was burned alive on the fire.

I told the courts many times that I was both physically and mentally ill and wanted to consult a psychiatrist and get outside medical attention. - I was refused this during the four years of pre-trial detention - therefore I was never treated for all my illnesses caused by the more than four years of pre-trial detention with the long total solitary confinement!

Bagmandspolitiet directly prevented me from having my complaint about my long solitary confinement and atrocious treatment dealt with by the European Commission of Human Rights. Bagmandspolitiet held back all correspondence with the Commission for more than 24 months. A serious breach of the Convention.

In pre-trial solitary confinement, I remained vulnerable against the unjustifiable parasitic strains of the Danish tabloid press.

”I feel that I have been reduced to a defence counsel in a Russian Military Court.” 

Advocate Folmer Reindel told the Copenhagen City Court

Professor of Law, Ole Krarup, said that:

“I played chess blindfolded“

I did indeed - and there was nothing neither I nor my defence lawyers could do about this injustice.

My first defence attorney advocate Jørgen Jacobsen’s statement to the Court:

“The prosecution could as well hold their “court hearings” at their own offices without the judges, the defence and the accused – the result would be the same.”

Advocate Folmer Reindel told the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg – 26th September 1988:

“It is clear that the Danish authorities had, for a long time, the objective to close down Hauschildt’s successful and profitable business, irrespective, that the companies acted correctly and within the Danish law.

From the first day of the action against Hauschildt and his companies, it has been the objective of the Danish authorities to justify their illegal acts at any cost, including keeping Hauschildt in solitary confinement and pre-trial detention for more than four years as a hostage to justice. The Danish authorities acted with total contempt for the Danish law, justice and the European Human Rights Convention.

Hauschildt and his companies became a victim of the Danish State”

The European Court of Human Rights held an open court hearing on the 26th September 1988, in front of the full court of 17 judges from all the 17 member countries.

The German, French, Belgian and Dutch television were there, but not the Danish State Television which for years had been used by the Danish authorities to create a trial by the media.

The Danish public and many clients of Scandinavian Capital Exchange was fooled and lied to by Bagmandspolitiet and the Danish media. Fooled by the misinformation, malicious lies and innuendoes put out by the prosecution in the press.

I always considered myself as a "Systemfange", a prisoner of conscience; the case against me and my companies was entirely political.

                                                      - Mogens Hauschildt

The famous Danish TV host, author and priest Jørgen Thorgaard wrote in the tabloid BT referring to my case, which was finished at the time:

“It is my impression that the police, the courts and the prosecution in the best scenario have been acting very incompetently and in the worst scenario, created a miscarriage of justice”.


In an interview with Berlingske Tidende in 1981, Finn Meilby, the chief of Bagmandspolitiet said that some “observations” can go on for years, others go fast.

“In the current case of the gold and silver speculations, Bagmandspolitiet worked hectically for thirty days. The market was so overheated that they got our interest and quickly received information confirming our suspicion of lawbreaking activities. We foresaw that large and small savers were running a risk – and hit”

They raided the companies for “open television” without any complaint – only a trump-up charge of alleged tax evasion.


Lies, Lies and More Lies

Lies, Lies and More Lies

Lies, Lies and More Lies

Lies, Lies and More Lies

Lies, Lies and More Lies

Lies, Lies and More Lies

Lies, Lies and More Lies

Lies, Lies and More Lies

Lies, Lies and More lies

Lies, Lies and More Lies

Lies, Lies and More Lies

Lies, Lies and More Lies

Lies, Lies and More Lies

Lies, Lies and More Lies

Lies, Lies and More Lies

Lies, Lies and More Lies

Lies, Lies and More Lies

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